Kết nối dây quấn trong máy biến áp đang ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến giá máy biến áp. Vậy có bao nhiêu kiểu bố trí dây quấn máy biến áp? Mời các bạn cùng tìm hiểu bài viết dưới đây.
Parts of transformer- MBT Electric

Parts of transformer- MBT Electric

A transformer is an electrical device made up of many different parts. So what are those parts and what are the main parts of a transformer? We will answer you through the article below.
Compare Recloser and LBS switches

Compare Recloser and LBS switches

Recloser and LBS are both switches that help protect the transformer when something goes wrong. However, Recloser price is much higher than LBS, so what is the difference between these two devices? Join us to find out.
Transformer accessories

Transformer accessories

Transformer accessories are devices that play an important role in the faster and more efficient operation and maintenance of a transformer. Join MBT to find out some of the accessories that frequently appear in transformers.
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