MBT Applies 4.0 Technology in Manufacturing The Transformer

MBT Applies 4.0 Technology in Manufacturing The Transformer

Innovation and application of advanced technology is an important key to deciding the success or failure of an enterprise. During the past time, MBT Electrical Equipment Joint Stock Company has actively invested in advanced production lines to innovate and improve product quality to quickly catch up with the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Medium Voltage Switchgear

Medium Voltage Switchgear

Switchgear includes electrical disconnect switches, fuses, or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment in an electric power system.
Isolation Transformer

Isolation Transformer

The Isolation Transformer is mainly used to make the isolation between a power supply and a powered circuit or powered device for safety purposes.
Insulation Dielectric Test of Transformer

Insulation Dielectric Test of Transformer

There are two different steps to generally perform the dielectric test of a transformer, likewise, the induced voltage withstand test and separate source voltage withstand the test of the transformer.
Conservator Tank of a Transformer

Conservator Tank of a Transformer

The Conservator Tank of a transformer is defined simply as a cylindrical tank mounted on the roof of the transformer main tank. It is used to provide enough space for the oil in the transformer to spread after heating.


Each transformer would be tested to determine its specifications by some tests as type test, routine test, special test. Besides, A winding resistance test is a type of transformer testing. Please join us to discover it.
Types of Transformer Testing

Types of Transformer Testing

Each transformer has its own specification and performance confirmed by some different tests. Before delivering the transformers to customers, it also is tested and acceptable in the factory. Besides, there are some tests are done on the user’s site.
High Voltage Transformers

High Voltage Transformers

Depending on the voltage, the transformer can be divided into various types such as low voltage transformer, high voltage transformer...... Today, Let's explore the high voltage transformer with us.
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